Saint Etienne. An online conference on vaccination in Saint-Étienne

Gerontopôle AuRA offers a web conference on vaccination this Thursday from 2.30 pm to 4 pm, especially for people over 60, but open to everyone. Moderated by Professor Élisabeth Botelho-Nevers, Head of the Infectious Diseases Department at Saint-Étienne University Hospital, Professor Régis Gonthier, Emeritus Professor of Geriatrics at Saint-Étienne University Hospital, Member of the National Academy of Medicine, Professor Gaëtan Gavazzi, Head of the Department of Geriatrics at Grenoble University Hospital , Nathalie Barth, sociologist, project manager at Gerontopôle Aura, and Alexandra Addario, doctoral student at Gerontopôle Aura, this conference will take place in three round tables. The aim is to mainly discuss vaccines that make it possible to combat pathologies that affect respiration, including Covid-19.

Questions can be asked

This first conference proposed by the Gerontopolis is part of a regional dissertation project called Vaccingo, which aims to design a vaccine prevention program. Vaccingo includes an epidemiological phase to quantify the impact of non-vaccination on comorbidities, loss of autonomy, aging … and a qualitative phase to understand the barriers and levers of vaccination. At the end of these two phases, a prevention program based on health marketing will be proposed, Nathalie Barth explains.

At the end of each round table, an exchange time will be organized by chat to ask questions.

To attend the conference, follow the following link: (Just create an account and then connect to February 4 at 14:30) Information or help: